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Beloved, I know how hard it is to awaken spiritually

Humanity has been living in duality. This refers to the separation between the Divine and the Human Self. Those awakening begin by learning of duality, and their true nature, but still, in the beginning this is an intellectual pursuit. As you have advanced you’ve been able to move beyond the intellect, to an embodiment of the true reality. This means literally to experience yourself as Divine. For many this has only been possible through extended meditation during which a person could free themselves from the dense energies surrounding the Planet. Now, it is possible for some to experience the connection with your Higher Self without meditation because the veil separating the 3D world from the higher dimensions has thinned. This is why more and more people are channeling, and receiving intuitive guidance and on the basis of this, sensing “something is very wrong here on earth”. 
You are giving up your addiction to a false reality, in which you numb yourself constantly to cope with the “unbearableness of being in duality”. The most common way people have been programmed to stay asleep despite the miracle of creation in which you exist, and which you are creating, is to focus on the past and the future, at the expense of the present moment.  
Yet if you do the inner work, and re-connect yourself to Source, you experience the most wondrous reality you could ever imagine! No longer will you want to numb yourself! You will want to be utterly present for every second of this experience of Life. 
So you’ve figured out there is a LOT more to this human life than you’d originally thought? How far have you managed to get in remembering the truth? 
Do you know yet that you’re a multidimensional light being having a human experience? 
Do you know that we are Divine Creator Beings made in the image of our Creator?
Do you know that our entire reality is a projection from our own consciousness and that we are here to remember this and master creation?  
The human is simply a tiny fraction of the whole Being that you are. You are a composite being of Light, that is, you have different characteristics in different realms much as you might walk underwater with a special diving suit and helmet and look quite unrecognizable from your surface self! 
It doesn’t matter how far along the path you are, the fact is YOU’RE AWAKENING and that is a cause for massive celebration! My spiritual team tells me there is such rejoicing when a human awakens - literally our guides CHEER for us, it is perceived as a miracle when one of us is able to “break through” the heavy programming here. Please note that your stage of spiritual awakening has ZERO to do with your level of intelligence, cognitive ability or education. In fact, because of how things have been on this planet, the more educated you are, the harder it is to see through the Matrix, of which the educational system is a major part. It can be so tempting to develop a “spiritual ego”  - as in “I’m further along than you” but the reality is we are each exactly where we need to be. It is all DIVINELY PERFECT, and comparing ourselves is like wondering whether one wave is better than another because it’s closer to shore.  
All that matters is this moment. You are here, now. You are reading these words from my heart to yours at this moment and if they resonate with you, then you can decide if you want to walk part of this journey together. 
  • You may find the perfect support for you just by visiting this site
  • You may get the perfect support for you by following me on social media (but let me be honest - my consistency on social media leaves a lot to be desired... 
  • You may get the perfect support for you by taking one of the Ministry's audio courses and listening to me channel the Council of Light and share my experience and finding yourself flooded with remembrance of how to navigate life as a multidimensional Creator Being
  • You may get the perfect support for you by joining the Light Warrior Bootcamp, getting to dive deep in your personal spiritual curriculum, and finally allowing this to be joyful and blissful instead of just a never ending "more to heal" struggle.  
  • You may get the perfect support for you by spending 1:1 time with me, having the Council of Light provide guidance, hearing from your own guides or journeying into the higher dimensions where you are finally able to remember your own divinity. 
Many souls on our planet have no idea yet of the truth of their existence. They feel trapped on Earth, struggling and continually unconsciously creating more suffering for themselves. It can be heaven or hell here. The Earthschool is a tough one but it is such an enormous gift to be granted a human life and there is tons of support available, when you are ready to embrace it. If you choose my support, I know it’s a Divine Assignment. 

How to start your journey with the Ministry of Eternal Light

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This much loved audio course is my offering to serve my brother and sister lightworkers, starseeds and wayshowers! It's for those who are waking up and remembering who we truly are and struggling with the mindblowing experience of realising we exist in multiple dimensions at the same time. I share my own experiences and many messages from the Council of Light to light you path and help you come home to your True Self.
Navigating the Insanity $47
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Maybe you, like me, thought you'd healed a lot and are now in a healthy relationship with your body? The Council of Light guided me to seeing how many "micro judgments" I still hold about my body and how these more subtle energies are an obstacle to ascension as they create density. This is a 3 part Masterclass to give you a profound shift in your relationship with your body.  
Loving Our Bodies $33
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If you want to be able to find peace when something has got you off track... If you want something to listen to as you drive to your next appointment... If you want guidance when you’re down or lost or lonely...If you want reassurance that you are actually navigating your life perfectly...
Then these 3 audios of 15 mins each will be balm for your soul.
Earthschool Reminders $33
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You know you're a Light Warrior. You know you have a mission here on Earth to bring healing in some way. You know you're being called to work through all your karma, all your self limiting beliefs and you're finding it relentless. This is going to change everything. The Light Warrior Bootcamp is the culmination of my many lifetimes. I will support you to step fully into the Light Warrior you came here to be through daily practices motivated by self love. Take a look now. Your soul knows if this is the right call for you.
Light Warrior Bootcamp

If you need more personal support from me and the Council of Light, look below 

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Sometimes we need 1:1 support and not group programs or audios. We need a real, live human, who's been where we are, to hold us. I LOVE coaching, it's a privilege. Please check out the coaching page and fill in the form so we can see if I'm a good fit for what you're needing. 
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Do you want to hear from your spiritual guides? we ALL have them but it can be hard hearing them before we've learned to attune to their frequency. I can put your questions to them while we figure out how to put you in direct communication. See more on the Soul Clarity Package page. 
Channelled Readings

Finding Earthschool challenging? Try listening to this beautiful audio from the Council of Light

If you want to be able to find peace when something has got you off track;
If you want something to listen to as you drive to your next appointment;
If you want guidance when you’re down or lost or lonely;
If you want reassurance that you are actually navigating your life perfectly:

These audios have helped me and countless others. This is my medicine that I serve the world!

Your gift from the Ministry of Eternal Light:

A powerful 15 audio message set to music to recalibrate you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

What clients say

"Firstly, I am not surprised that you were told that it was time to be an ascension guide. You are a solid, grounded voice! The way you explain it is so clear, Amanda. You are humble and well spoken. It is such a difficult topic to grasp if you have no foundation and your way of explaining and sharing it is understandable. Also, you have experienced your light body and your I Am presence directly so you speak from that place which so few have experienced. It's time for more people who have direct experience to share and lead. I know there are so many who are sharing from only a space of intellectual understanding and ego is still involved. So, thank you for moving beyond the fear of imposter syndrome and putting yourself out there. So many will benefit from your leap of faith!"

"Amanda, thank you for the free audios.  I listened and absorbed as much as I could at this time, your words were so helpful and soothing to my soul, I had no idea about any of this.  A bit about me: I was unable to see the truth, I am just awakening to this new reality and learning that I should not fear it but learn to accept. I feel like a child inside, I  am allowing myself grace to absorb at a slower speed so that I do not get overwhelmed which I can feel happening from time to time.  I am not sure how I found your site but I am so grateful that I did."

Anonymous, Spain

"My dear Amanda,
Thank you so much for the lovingly clear audios regarding our True Self and our homecoming.

I am relieved to remember and remember....and to know that I am not alone in this journey. That I am not crazy either and that my ego is still pushing and making me suffer...Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm listening to it over and over again."

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Awakening can be understood on 2 axes. 

Vertical axis: awakening to our multidimensional existence and remembrance of our Divinity
Horizontal axis:  awakening to the wild realisation that because we experience reality through our ego lens, and our egos have all been programmed by our current societal systems, we live inside a kind of “Matrix” that we think is “how it is” but actually it’s how we’ve been programmed to see the world. 
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My Spiritual Journey

Waking up to the truth of who I am is the hardest thing, weirdest, wildest thing I have ever done. 
I was raised in a conventional family, with no one mentioning esoteric or metaphysical subjects and not much in the way of spiritual or religious education. I attended an Anglican school - but this just meant we had to attend occasional church services and sing hymns in the morning. I struggled with self worth but hid it well, I played the game of being an A student, prefect and head of house but was secretly rebelling, climbing out of windows to go to rave parties and taking drugs. At the age of 24 in law school my drug use caught up with me. I got clean by the Grace of God and realised something had kept me alive and it must be for a reason. I had a vague concept of a “Higher Power”. I studied spiritual subjects intently for the next decade (while qualifying as a lawyer and then leaving the law) - in fact I studied multiple subjects around personal development, leadership and worldviews. In 2012 I took a massive spiritual “jump”  when I discovered, while in Bali, that I had a team of spiritual guides I could communicate with. It shook my reality as I had been raised with zero exposure to anything esoteric. I had to learn how to integrate my fiercely analytical, legally trained mind with my powerful intuitive abilities and this new metaphysical understanding of reality. 
Over the next decade they explained who I am, my life mission and helped me figure things out. But to be honest I still felt life was still mostly a struggle, I would break through and then experience all sorts of setbacks. I kept growing though, and as with all spiritual growth, it’s challenging AF and requires us to let go of people, places and things that no longer resonate with us. 
My spiritual journey continued to take up as much of my time as my “work life” but I yearned to bring these closer together. Around 2021 and 2022 I began to have more and more wild spiritual experiences in the higher dimensions. At the same time, as a result of the COVID plandemic of 2020 I had begun to awaken “horizontally” to the realisation that we’ve all been programmed here on Earth by societal systems that suppress our ascension. We’re kept trapped in scarcity, comparison, shame and trauma that keep us believing we are our ego selves. Without going into an essay here, I will say the agenda is mindblowing. We have become our own captors, because we believe we are the voices in our head (the ego) and the ego has been programmed since birth by societal conditioning, and programming through education, religious instruction, TV and entertainment. We’re trained to be consumers, not creators. No one is teaching kids in school how to love themselves or how they are powerful creator beings. In fact we’re not taught much of anything that is vaguely useful in navigating a successful life. 
Why not? 
In short, I woke up big time around 2022. It was very hard. I had to go down many rabbit holes and one of the hardest was learning how the legal system has been set up as a form of enslaving us and keeping us disempowered. I lost friends who couldn’t handle questioning their own realities. Luckily I found many new ones who connected at deeper levels, and then discovered millions around the world going through the same awakening, so as lonely as some of the path has been, I actually feel more connected than I ever did before awakening. 
My next “spiritual jump” was the biggest yet: I experienced a heart activation in January 2023 after my second trip to Bali - which was clearly arranged by the Universe! It began in Bali but only really unfolded upon my return home. 
  During this heart activation: 
  • I was shown how 3D reality is constructed as a projection from our consciousness  - Earth is a “fractal classroom of consciousness”
  • Our minds “hold” the waves of light from which everything is created, in “place” so that we perceive solid forms. 
  • I experienced being in the 5th dimension several times
  • I had moments of Christ Consciousness in which I was engulfed with Divine Love for all humans and wept with joy
  • I experienced the veil which currently exists between the 3rd dimension and the higher dimensions
  • I experienced the sanctity and gift it is to be granted a human life
  • I was shown that we are always “home with God”, we remain “there” even while part of our consciousness is projected into this human experience “here”
The Council of Light explained to me that all these experiences would in time become “commonplace”. In other words, more and more humans would have similar experiences as a result of the Cosmic Light flooding our planet at this time and eventually, as the Solar flash happens, all those humans who choose to ascend will experience this en masse. Put another way, I was given a sneak peak of what is to occur planetary wide in order to help others make sense of all this. 
The downside: It was heartbreaking for me to exit this period of experiencing life in this way. I found the 18 months that followed this excruciating painful at times. In fact three months after this experience, after having another miscarriage, I suffered panic attacks and felt unable to manage my daily life. As I said earlier, the spiritual path is not for the faint of heart. 
My guides, who said I can collectively call them the Council of Light, explained I needed to start the Ministry of Eternal Light. They began to give me the curriculum and since that time they have been giving me lessons in ego dissolution, ascension and everything else we need to know to navigate the immensity of spiritual awakening. 
You are to create the Ministry of Eternal Light. You will come to inhibit your next role - as a minister of light and it will unfold quickly if you let it. This is what you have yearned for. Be ready to receive. Allow yourself to create the church you’ve dreamed of, the peaceful sanctuary of hope and LIGHT that you want to serve from each day. You can do it. You are the only thing in the way - with our utmost love. It is time. You can do this in a way that brings you such joy and freedom. Let go of all doubt and CREATE what you most desire to experience. 
I battled to share it all for a long time, as I felt unworthy of “teaching” others when I haven’t mastered the lessons. I have been shown this is all a story I’ve made up based on childhood trauma, and that I am not meant to master these lessons before I share them. My path is to share what I am experiencing, alongside all the guidance from the Council of Light. 
I continue to face bouts of “who I am I to share this?” despite all my guides’ reassurances that I have prepared many lifetimes for this one and cannot wait until I’ve mastered all the subjects I share on, as by that time I will have no desire to be teaching them anymore! I do see the truth in this - if I were to go back to the state of bliss I experienced, I would just wish to hang out in devotion for most of each day.
Having navigated the intensity of my own awakening, it is a privilege to be able to support others - not from a place of "I've mastered it all, look at me!" but rather "Let's walk together a while and I'll show you what I've learned and hold you until you're able to hold yourself again".  

Want an idea of the type of insights our spiritual guides can provide us?

Here is a message I channelled for myself at one of my many moments of self doubt about my own career: 

It is by no means new to you that you possess a unique set of skills around the transformation of the legal systems available at this time. Watch how your mind is determined to push you down at every turn by imagining all the people who could possibly know more than you about a certain topic. Yes, sometimes you see the information so much faster in your mind than you are able to write it. This is why we encourage you to start speaking as a form of channeling, so that you can start to get used to a freer flow of information. The images were of how this has been a lifetime pattern for you, of putting yourself down. This a low vibrational pattern that no longer serves you. You may have been schooled that this is humility, not to shine one’s light too brightly and to downplay one’s abilities. But it’s no longer serving you to do this. It was part of a previous paradigm but this is no longer a vibrational match for you and the frequency you need to hold. It is a waste or diminishment of your power. Now you step into a greater level of certainty. Knowing you are skilled. Knowing you have an ability to see things in ways others don’t. It does not mean you are the only person who has ever had a certain thought. It’s not about “there’s no one who could do this like me”  but it is about finding YOUR voice. So dear One, stop looking for your limitations and focus instead of your strengths."

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