Using the Divine Laws to resolve and dissolve legal issuesÂ
The Divine Universal Laws govern all existence and explain to us how our reality is created. When we use Divine Law to assess a challenging experience in our lives we see the reality of what’s playing out, not just the limited human perspective.
Looking at a situation through the lens of Divine Universal Law allows us a multidimensional perspective. When we do this we heal ourselves from repeating the pattern that is trying to get our attention. Why keep perpetuating our suffering when we can choose to master the lessons presented to us? If you’ve found these words and they resonate with you, then you are on the awakening path or else they would make little sense. You are aware that Earth is a school for souls and that all challenges are ones we are projecting into our individual curricula. It is really tempting for all of us to blame others when a conflict arises, but we have to remind ourselves we are students of reality! And reality is created by our consciousness projecting into form. So if we want to know why we experience something in our external world we have to look inside ourselves, because we’re the projector AND the experiencer of our reality! We are creator beings, made in the image of our Creator, in other words, endowed with the power of creation.Â
If you have created an experience that is causing you suffering, you need to know how to stop projecting that experience into your reality. You figure this out by going within. You’re a multidimensional being and you can access many perspectives by calling on the Higher or Inner Aspects of yourself. Ask to be shown why you’re projecting this situation into your reality. The answers are within you. They can only ever be within you because you’re in your own fractal classroom of consciousness.Â
The traditional role of a lawyer is so far from what we’re dealing with here that the term lawyer can’t be used. As a legal lightworker, I help you access your own Divine Knowing of what you are creating in your life, and discover the steps to take to bring to Light any issue that is darkening the truth of who you are. I don’t do the healing for you, I facilitate you healing yourself.Â
What continues to amaze me is that there are millions of humans awakening to the Divine laws, who study manifestation and read books on energetic healing - yet they do not apply any of this to a LEGAL SITUATION they may be facing. Why? Because the law is this carefully constructed edifice of control that programs us with fear.Â
- People are scared of the legal system.
- People go into victim consciousness around the legal system.
- People feel inadequate and confused by legalese.
I’m here to help those who are ready to approach a legal issue from a place of empowerment and sovereignty.Â
You will be mindblown at what is possible when we remember we are Creator Beings and everything is energy.Â
My clients need to understand realityÂ
It is an extraordinary privilege to be gifted a human life in which we are able to experience the miracle of our consciousness expressing itself into form. This is known as duality - the dual part refers to the fact there are two realities, the internal or primary reality which is our consciousness, and the external or secondary reality, which is our experience in the physical world.
All my legal work, preventive processes and conflict transformation services are based on this understanding of reality and therefore I only take clients who share this thought system. Anyone who believes they are a victim of their circumstances or that they wish to hold another accountable for their actions, exact revenge or punishment would be better matched to any of the millions of traditional lawyers available.
This does not minimise anyone’s suffering at the hands of another. It does not mean there was not an injustice done. It does not mean the perpetrator did not commit the harm nor minimise their accountability. What this approach does is:
- liberate the client from the victim/ persecutor/ rescuer triangle
allow the client to let go all resistance to their experience - “accepting what is” so that they can find peace - facilitate the client’s ability to receive Divine guidance on the lesson they’re being called to learn
- Determine the course of action that will allow the client to be in 100% integrity and authenticity with themselves, regardless of the other party/ies involved
- Prevent the client from unconsciously creating another similar lesson down the line
Allow the client to see that every instance of suffering is actually an opportunity for liberationÂ
If you're on the awakening path you'll get it. If not, you won't. My legal services aren't for everyone and I'm totally cool with that.Â
If you're awakening, you KNOW you're creating your reality, so let's get you back in the driver's seat of your lifeÂ
If you have created an experience that is causing you suffering, you need to know how to stop projecting that experience into your reality. You figure this out by going within. You’re a multidimensional being and you can access many perspectives by calling on the Higher or Inner Aspects of yourself. Ask to be shown why you’re projecting this situation into your reality. The answers are within you. They can only ever be within you because you’re in your own fractal classroom of consciousness.
The traditional role of a lawyer is so far from what we’re dealing with here that the term lawyer can’t be used. As a legal lightworker, I help you access your own Divine Knowing of what you are creating in your life, and discover the steps to take to bring to Light any issue that is darkening the truth of who you are. I don’t do the healing for you, I facilitate you healing yourself.
What continues to amaze me is that there are millions of humans awakening to the Divine laws, who study manifestation and read books on energetic healing - yet they do not apply any of this to a LEGAL SITUATION they may be facing. Why? Because the law is this carefully constructed edifice of control that programs us with fear.
People are scared of the legal system.
People go into victim consciousness around the legal system.
People feel inadequate and confused by legalese.
I’m here to help those who are ready to approach a legal issue from a place of empowerment and soveriegnty.
You will be mindblown at what is possible when we remember we are Creator Beings and everything is energy

A bit about me
One of my mentors once asked me on the spot if I could sum up my purpose in one word. I blurted out “integrate”. Since then I continue to see the many ways in which this is my word. As my spiritual path has deepened, I spend much time trying to integrate my spiritual and human dimensions, and helping others do the same. To put it simply: we have a Big Self (or Spiritual Self) and a small self (or egoic self). The egoic self is not bad - it’s a necessary part of being human. But learning how to avoid being governed by our ego’s fears and self-limiting beliefs, this takes enormous work and courage.Â
Like all of us, I’ve spent years making sense of my earlier life. I grew up with much privilege but my pain came from being a highly emotional and intuitive person raised in a family and culture that taught me only to ignore that part of me. I always thought something was wrong with me - now I know it’s not me, it is our civilisation that does not support the flourishing of the human soul. My suffering led to my developing a severe alcohol and drug addiction but fortunately at 24 years old I got clean and started a new life and have been able to use my suffering to help others. My biggest learnings have been, and continue to be those in self-love and self-worth - this stuff just doesn’t come easy to many of us. I still have to work hard on treating myself with compassion and this hard won skill is therefore something I really enjoy coaching others in. Â
Having worked as an attorney, a law lecturer, a director of a non-profit college for impoverished students, a facilitator of corporate leadership programs and an organizational development consultant, I have an expansive and multi-disciplinary background.
Finally I know all of this was preparation for a pretty extraordinary set of skills I am here to serve the world, as a Legal Lightworker, an Ascension Teacher and a Spiritual Channel.Â
I'm here to support the birth of the next legal system based on higher consciousness.Â
Although I’ve been channeling for 8 years at the time of writing this, there is still a lawyerly, left brain part of me that finds receiving communication from non-physical entities quite bizarre! But I know it is just my ego that wants to make sense of everything. Every year I move more deeply into the awareness that I am a multidimensional being having a human experience and SO ARE YOU!Â
I don’t actually need to know how this works or why I have this gift. I simply know it IS a gift and that it is important to honour it by offering it to the world. I continue to be blown away by the messages I am entrusted with. Sometimes I am moved to tears as I scribe a message. I am fascinated as I see more and more people channelling their guides and speaking openly about it - for example, Jeffrey Van Dyk is an ex Microsoft guru who now coaches entrepreneurs who are changemakers, and he has multiple videos of him channelling information. He helped me get the courage to come out of the closet about my channelling abilities.Â