Welcome Awakening Lawyers!
Lawyers experiencing a spiritual awakening face some unique challenges, that, it turns out, I've specifically incarnated to assist you with.
Does this sound like you?
You see the need to raise the collective consciousness of humanity through healing the legal system, but it's overwhelming.
You sense that your spiritual path is as important as your legal work but they don't seem aligned.
You're starting to understand that the legal system’s blind perpetuation of conflict is caused by its inability to understand that conflict does not lie outside of us, but within us.
You’ve developed EQ and coaching skills in addition to your legal training, to better understand the human psyche so that you can assist yourself and other lawyers.
You value your intuitive abilities as much as your cognitive ability these days.
You may have discovered psychic or metaphysical skills but you can't quite see how to integrate these into your legal practice.
We're shifting from a belief system that lawyers resolve conflict for their clients to one in which lawyers resolve conflict in their clients. To be more accurate, we assist clients so they can resolve the conflict in themselves.
If this sounds like you, you're on the awakening path. Let's GO!
As we collectively ascend to higher levels of consciousness we know know that conflict arises first in consciousness, then in the material realm. There are obviously a wide range of legal issues a client may face but in ALL cases there are lessons to be learned because this is the EARTH SCHOOL. The only way to help a client return to harmony is identifying what the lesson is, so the client can learn it. This process is independent of the legal system itself, including the "criminal justice system" which tends to have little to do with justice.
If these words are speaking to your heart then you are an awakening worker and I'm so happy you've found me.

Brianna Becraft, Lawyer, Detroit
“You helped me not quit my life. And my job. Beyond that, I now have purpose in my life and my job. The things you have shared have given me actionable steps to take internally which have literally changed the voice in my head. It’s hard to put into words, but having the meditations and listening to the way you process things has given me a different way to approach things and to process them. I didn’t have these practices until I learned them with you. You practise these and you share them.
You can see what it is I want to do and that it’s important. Plugging into how we can actually serve people and bring light made me see that as a lawyer it’s not about filing things on time, or saying the right things, it’s about whether I am in service to others or whether I’m trying to use situations for myself to feel better
When I do the things you share, I am better able to connect with who I really am. When I am feeling OK, it’s a lot easier to help other people. My work is now practising all of that, instead of being overwhelmed by the fact the legal system is not what it should be.
In sum, what you’ve done is provide me a vision for the future that I can trust, believe in and work towards. It’s centered in the Light. In this vision it feels like there is no way we fail unless we stop moving. Your programs and checkins keep me moving. The fact you think you’re not quite there yet actually helps me. It makes me feel less alone to know there are others who have to keep pushing too. You know exactly what we’re going through instead of being “all sorted” and teaching others from on high - we are going together.”

Stop fighting for the legal system to change - here is why
Everywhere people are struggling to make sense of the changing world and their place and role within it. Multitudes of lawyers are finding their hearts and minds awakening to the possibility of birthing an alternative legal system that re-humanises the law and is built on higher consciousness values such as truth, justice, compassion and equality. Yet we are still experiencing the creations of our previous collective consciousness so we feel stuck in these outdated and dysfunctional systems which include the medical system, the education system and the legal system. We feel powerless and many of us are medicating to cope with this deep sense of “wrongness”.
There is a fundamental concept of which many people wishing to birth the New Earth are not fully aware. The ignorance of this truth will sap all your energy and sabotage your efforts to change the system. Most of humanity has been labouring under this illusion for eons.
We cannot fight the existing system.
Our legal system (as experienced in the exterior world) is only a reflection of our collective consciousness. It is an “outpicturing” of what we hold in our minds. This is true of all our external reality - it has to exist in consciousness in order to come into physical form. Everything you experience in your life today is created in your mind first whether it’s your relationship, your job, your home, your diet, the type of body you have, your health or your experience in every moment. As we change our minds, the external reality changes - but there is a lag! We are in the middle of this lag - we are in the “meantime” or the “meanwhile” or “the liminal state” as the world balance shifts from predominantly dark to predominantly light.
You will learn more about this in Deprogramming fromt he Legal System & the Legal Lightworkers Academy.

Kristen Boldt,
Integrative Lawyer & Mediator, Iowa
“I had the sense something was missing from my life, it was all sort of OK but like wearing shoes that don’t quite fit. What I got out of working with Amanda in the Lightworkers' Academy was a renewed sense of clarity. It took me on a path back to my authentic self, to my purpose, to the reason I am wired the way I am and this unique way I have of seeing the world - rather than being a detriment, it feeds the purpose I have in helping to design a new system. It’s helped me to embrace my gifts, redefine my life and my work. I’ve moved from functioning to this place of wholeness which has brought me healing.”
Ways I currently support Awakening Lawyers
From 2012 to 2022 most of my offerings were about supporting lawyers. The tricky thing is my spiritual awakening has proceeded at such a pace that the audience I had following me couldn't keep up. I went from running a network of women lawyers sponsored by corporate law firms to telling people we're multidimensional light beings 🤣 no wonder some lawyers thought I'd lost my mind. I have a RADICAL growth game. The guidance I get is I need to keep growing and sharing my journey - and those who are able to resonate at that level of consciousness will find me. I must not concern myself with how others perceive me or my work.
During my intense spiritual awakening in 2023 I was told by my guidance team to focus on helping people navigate their spiritual awakening and ascension process and to do this through the Ministry of Eternal Light. I have had visions of ministry for 7 years or so but still - becoming a Minister of Light continues to take the old version of Amanda some getting used to.
Finding lawyers who are able to see through the prolonged programming of legal education and recognise the legal system for what it is, has been beyond challenging! Some are awake to the nefarious agendas of the system and others are awake to our multidimensional nature as Creator Beings - requiring us to deal with each other in ways that recognise WE ARE ONE. But alack, there are not many who are awake to both aspects.
I no longer wish to expend energy convincing anyone of anything! Each person experiences the world according to their beliefs and level of consciousness. There is nothing to be gained from trying to show people a reality they're not able to see yet.
Instead, I write extensively about the awakening of lawyers and the next legal system, so that those that resonate with these concepts and know they are called to be part of this, can find me and work with me.
If you're on this page and this is making sense, you are 100% an awakening lawyer, welcome! Send me an email and we can take things from there.

Awakening Lawyer Community
I hold 2 x monthly sessions with a small group of awakening lawyers who have all completed the Deprogramming course & the Legal Lightworkers Academy. Sessions consist of meditations and decrees for justice across the planet, trainings in being a legal lightworker and support for each other as we navigate our own spiritual awakening.
Email me by clicking on the image if this is calling you.

Deprogramming from the Legal System
No one is coming to explain your earth mission to you: you will hear the call within. Together we will navigate the dissolution of the existing legal system, spiritual awakening and finding our way in unprecedented times. This course was run live in late 2023 & will become a self study course with videos and handouts.
Email me by clicking on the image if this is calling you

Channelled Reading for lawyers
The first personal readings I ever did were for lawyers - because most of my clients were lawyers. How it works: we connect first by Zoom for about 30 mins and discuss what you want to ask your spiritual guides. I do the reading for you, eitherI record as a voice file or I write it. I send it then we have a follow up session to debrief. This could change your life. I LOVE serving awakening lawyers.
Click here to purchase a Soul Guidance Package.

Beloved, being human is hard. I specialise in the unconscious creation of our own suffering. As you awaken, you let the light in which means you're faced with all your self limiting beliefs. You will feel like you’re failing. You are not! You are simply being shown the false beliefs you’re still holding. As a legal lightworker and channel I offer unparalleled guidance to awakening lawyers. Sliding scale depending on your income. ($250 to $400 per session but only as part of a package) Developing country rates available on request.
Email me by clicking on the image and let's see if there's chemistry!

Amanda Lamond, Legal Lightworker
I'm an ex attorney who ran for the hills soon after qualifying when I experienced the dysfunction and toxicity in the legal profession while working in a top tier law firm. I went on to experience a wide range of disciplines as a law lecturer, a director of a non-profit college for impoverished students, a facilitator of corporate leadership programs, an organizational development consultant and an entrepreneur running a network providing personal development support to women lawyers.
It took the madness of COVID lockdowns for me to start listening to the spiritual guidance that said I’m here to work with awakening lawyers and start figuring out what that meant. I realised my work with lawyers in the Integrative Law Movement was just the tip of the iceberg and that my true path is nothing like getting lawyers to meditate so they’re less stressed. I realised we’re dealing with a mindblowing situation in which humanity has been trapped in a false matrix, controlled by the financial system, legal system and education system. I was appalled to find my so-called “conscious” colleagues thought nothing of the insanity taking place legally under the pretext of a the global pandemic. It was a necessary parting of ways and my stepping into my power as a warrior for truth. Discovering the whole legal system was built to enslave humanity has rocked my world. Most lawyers are not willing or able to question the foundation their identity is based on. My path in this regard has been a lonely one, but the awakening lawyers I connect with now are generally soul tribe members and the connection instant and profound. You will know reading this if you are part of this pioneering group, here to light the way as we birth new ways of healing conflict and governing human relations on our planet.
We call upon you lawyers of the light! We speak to those who are here to give birth to a new civilization in which humanity reclaims their divinity. We will guide you in finding clarity on your paths, both individually and collectively. We can assist you in seeing what may be standing in your way. Join a high vibrational community and together you can shine a light on the path ahead.
You are not alone and never have been. It is time to come together in service of a higher good. The transmission of your ideas will be far stronger as a collective. It is time to shine your light as brightly as you can into the world. Know that we are always with you and that there is no such thing as things “not working out”. All is in Divine order. Remove fear from your thoughts.
~ Channelled Message for legal lightworkers joining the Academy

Tanya Lat, Philippines
Professorial Lecturer, University of the Philippines College of Law
Professorial Lecturer, Philippine Judicial Academy Integrative lawyer
Lead Convenor, Legal Lightworkers for Life and Liberty
Executive Director, Philippine Legal Education Advancement Program (LEAP)
"I was part of the pioneer class of Amanda's Legal Lightworkers VIP Academy. At the time the course was opened, my life was in flux. I had just recovered from COVID19 and was trying to figure out the deep changes that were happening to me on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. I was also in transition in terms of work, and wasn't sure if I could afford to take the course both in terms of time and finances. But something inside me told me to take a leap of faith, and so I did. It has turned out to be one of the best investments I have ever made in my life! Our weekly meetings were a gathering of kindred spirits and soul sisters, and a source of strength and consolation during that time of transition. The course has taught me SO MUCH about spirituality, energy work, and unlocked the transcendence of the teachings I was already familiar with. I now know what it means to be a legal lightworker: this course has enabled me to embrace that role and to fully step into my power. Thank you, dearest Amanda, for making this transformation possible. This is such a precious gift, for which I will forever be grateful."

The Metaphysical Council of Law

In 2021 I was given instructions by my spiritual team, who I have been channelling since 2012, that one part of my soul mission is to create the Metaphysical Council of Law. I did as instructed and gathered some legal professionals but it emerged that many were deeply entrenched in the false matrix and not ready or able to work in the higher realms. I shelved the project for a while but in 2024 the Universe, through connections with others in my soul family, a lightworker in Houston, a legal lightworker in Wales - who have been given the same vision.
There are to be 12 members of this council. But the number will come and go in the beginning stages so do not worry about this. Energetically the power of 12 will be very strong in this group regardless of the number of actual people that may be present.
You will instruct them that you are gathered to receive the frequencies for the coming legal system. Higher frequencies of harmony will be sent via this group to emanate outwards. Many of you will not feel anything, others will feel a deep sense of wellbeing, almost as if a radiant glow had passed through their bodies.
The people intended to be part of this will make themselves known to you. It is necessary that you start to send the beacon out, so to speak, in order for this energetically to have a presence so that those intended to be part of this can find you. Do not worry about how to do it all, or worry about getting it right. Only know you must take these first steps so that the energetic presence of this mission can be established through this group.
As lawyers you are sought out by those who are in the greatest pain around fighting their own creations. “This is not what I want!” “this is not what I deserve” they may cry and it is a challenge to work with unawakened ones to help them see that everything they experience is of their own creation. You will need to tread lightly as you bring about a new understanding, and importantly, often this will be done energetically - NOT by explaining “you have created this!”. Instead by holding a higher frequency of love over fear, those in your presence may start to shift.
This path is for you if
- You are called to contribute to the upliftment of humanity and a path of service to the greater good
- You are committed to a spiritual path, including the deep inner work required in lessening the ego’s grip on your consciousness
- You are drawn to understanding the world from a metaphysical perspective as you’re already aware that everything is energy
- You are curious about the possibilities of a radically different legal system and resolving legal disputes at a quantum or energetic level
- You are open minded, open hearted and prepared to engage with unfamiliar ideas or differing perspectives
- You see joining this Academy as an opportunity to co-create something extraordinary, rather than a set of lessons you passively receive
This path is NOT for you if
- It feels threatening to hear and think about the legal profession’s toxicity and dysfunction because you’re a lawyer
- You would prefer to leave any personal development work for your therapy sessions, not a program with other lawyers
- You’re not that interested in subjects that sound esoteric
- You follow a religious path that rejects the recognition of religions other than your own
- You don’t enjoy having your worldview challenged, you’re triggered by whatever “conspiracy theorists” say.
- You see joining this Academy primarily as an opportunity to further your intellectual skills, make partner or to add this to your CV
Here's a 2 min video of Kristen Boldt, a past Academy member, talking about her experience
The Role of Legal Lightworkers
For thousands of years humanity has been programmed to see other people, especially those who are not like us, as something to protect ourselves against. Throughout the world we have legal systems that “other” people, incarcerate people and dehumanise people. The law puts people against each other, whether they are companies signing a JV, spouses getting divorced or employees joining a company. Both consciously and unconsciously the law, even in democratic countries, has been used as a system to oppress and divide people based on their income, their race, their gender, their nationality or other differences.
But we are awakening en masse now in a planetary event known as the Great Awakening. It is happening in waves which means right now only the forerunners see what’s occurring and what is required. Some of us are only just beginning to find words to articulate what we know intuitively.
In this awakening of our consciousness
- we are starting to see each other as spiritual beings having a human experience, not as “potential enemies”, “people waiting to screw us over” or “animals”
- We become aware that we’ve been programmed by a thought system based on scarcity and fear
- we realise everybody is a sovereign being, a soul with a unique set of circumstances that has perhaps caused that soul to lose its way
- we ponder whether our responsibility as evolving human beings is to help that soul find its path again, not to chain it up or destroy its sense of self on the witness stand
- we begin to understand the nature of reality and in so doing, we realise that anything in the the exterior world, including the legal system, is only a reflection of our collective consciousness
- we realise the system can only change when our consciousness changes and so we begin the inner work

Once you awaken and realise we are Creator Beings, the current legal system makes no sense anymore...
At the very least every lawyer operating in the New Earth must understand the power of creation and the role of the ego for without this, every client they serve is doomed to continue their own cycle of suffering. ~ Council of Light
All our current systems are designed from lower levels of consciousness and false beliefs, most notably the illusion that a human is a mind and a body and that a person’s identity is their ego self. Once a person awakens, by which I mean they start on the journey from ego consciousness to God or Soul Consciousness, then the existing systems start to appear woefully medieval!
The legal system is based on the belief we have to protect ourselves against others and fight for survival in a world of scarce resources. All this changes when we develop a different understanding of who we are. I often compare the awakening in law to the awakening in medicine. When a doctor awakens spiritually they realise the body is a projection from the client's consciousness. It is energy in form, and the form is "held" by the consciousness. It therefore makes no sense to treat symptoms, without addressing the root cause, which is the energetic disturbance in the client’s consciousness. This doesn’t deny that there is a very real physical issue, that may require physical treatment, but the doctor is now aware that treating the body is only one layer of treatment, and this is not treating the cause. When a lawyer awakens spiritually they realise whatever the client is experiencing is a projection from the client’s consciousness. The external situation can be dealt with, such as getting a restraining order, asking the other party to a contract to pay what is owed or do what they agreed to do, but this is only one layer of treatment, and does not address the cause. A wrongdoer may need to be removed from participating in society to prevent them harming others, but this does not undo the harm or provide healing. For healing to occur, the client needs to discover the energetic disturbance in their consciousness and the lesson they are being called to learn.