Light Warrior Bootcamp

If you are a Light Warrior and you're not yet unplugged from the false matrix and not yet fulfilling your mission, you need to join the Bootcamp ASAP.  “It is GO TIME”  

Council of Light instructions: "Gather Light Warriors now and prepare them for this mission. Those who are meant to, will know that they need to step forward. 

It is a spiritual battle. 

It is a battle that will be won with Love. 

Divine Love. 

A frequency so pure that it carries immense power. 

Bring the light of God into this planet now. 

There will be powerful surges of Light that will be disruptive on the Earth and it is the Light Warriors who are able to hold a higher frequency who will serve the collective ascension." 

Have you heard the call?


The Light Warrior Bootcamp is a 6 month program of purification, purging and preparation for Light Warriors.

Start date: The moment you heed the call to  serve the Light.

I will support your spiritual awakening and assist you individually in multiple dimensions to unplug from the false matrix. You must be ready to transcend the trauma based identity and do the inner work in this multidimensional program. As a community we will support each other in developing sustainable habits to maintain a high frequency regardless of external circumstances. 

We are now experiencing massive surges of LIGHT and need to be open channels to serve the collective. We cannot do this alone and we cannot delay our purification process - it is GO TIME.  

A Light Warrior is a category of lightworker who has come to help individuals and society to understand that darkness is the absence of Light. Light Warriors may work with individuals or at a societal level, helping confronting uncomfortable truths. Because people resist change and the powers that be want to keep the Matrix in place, Light Warriors need to understand battle, whereas not all light workers do. 

Over 6 months I will work with you physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually to emancipate you from the Matrix inside and outside. Because the Earth is holographic  - which means it is a reflection of our own consciousness -  the battle is taking place INSIDE us and OUTSIDE of us. Bootcamp will prepare you to embrace your role as a Light Warrior. This is the time in which humanity is liberated and we return to a world based on Divine Love. Being called by Source, The LoveLight, the All that Is, Mother Father God. 

We don't have more time to prepare. There is only NOW to:

Get serious about self love

Get serious about your physical vessel

Get serious about daily psychic protection

Get serious about your earth mission

Get serious about remembering your Divinity

"Souls choose to incarnate in the Earth school in order to experience the Light, in embodiment. It is a beautiful opportunity, not gifted to all souls, in understanding what is not Light, in order that you can understand what is. You are angelics! You have chosen to bring the Light of God to the Earth, to experience such beauty and wonder there and ultimately, having sated yourself with the beauty and wonder of the external creation, to turn to the Creator of all and discover that YOU are the Creator in human form!

It is simply a journey through Creation that you are experiencing but now you are learning that everything has been done to ensure you do not awaken during your journey, and do not reach the point of realising your own Divinity."

~ The Council of Light channeled by Amanda Lamond 

Beloved Light Warrior, I celebrate your awakening! It is a MIRACLE to be an Awakened Earthling. My guides have given me the message so often this year that we must CELEBRATE our awakening. The fact you know you're a multidimensional Being of Light when most of humanity is trapped in the illusion of the 3D false matrix really is a MIRACLE. 

OK, now let's get down down to business. If you are reading this, I trust you're a Light Warrior with a big mission for humanity, whether you're aware of the details of that mission yet or not.  

I have received clear instructions as of October 2024 that I am to assist Light Warriors:

You shall now call in all those who you are intended to serve. 

You are to offer ascension support to guide others in these times of fluctuating energies, purging of density, of trauma. Light Warriors need to understand what is happening and then they need the tools to deal with it. So two parts: understand and then PROCESS, then understand a bit more then again process in the body. All the time working on all levels of BEING: the Mind, the Body (wherein the emotions are felt & stored) and the Spirit. Integrated ascension support. Yes you are intended to work alongside Cornelia and Leunis, these beautiful souls have come into your orbit to assist with the Divine Plan, emancipation from suffering, limitation, lack and a return to the Light - holding more light in every cell. 

There is no hierarchy of souls, we are all equal however you must understand that some souls came here to assist others by taking a leadership role in our collective ascension. This means you have awoken ahead of others. I know you’ve suffered a lot, and been thought insane and had to process and purge density at a rate that has brought you to your knees at times. It has been no different to my journey. Many times I have wanted to quit, but I know I have trained many lifetimes for this moment. 

We light warriors are now required to purify ourselves physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, in preparation for the next part of our mission which is supporting humanity as the planet is rocked by surges of light that will cause a lot of upheaval. Most people have no idea what is happening or why. You know we are in a spiritual war and we are now being called to battle. 

It is time to release all density from our bodies, to let go of the trauma based egoic identity so that we can be pure Divine Channels for the Light of God and let the I Am Presence of each one of us, take dominion. 

I am guided by the Council of Light who have let me know I am to bring others into the facilitation team. The facilitator for the unplugging and removal of implants and attachments is Quantum Activator, Cornelia, who has supported my personal ascension over the last year through multiple quantum clearings. 

The Light Warrior Bootcamp is a 6 month program. After this you decide if you wish to continue on as part of the Light Warrior membership. 

Why now? 

The surges of light or solar flares have intensified. All the darkness about our planet’s history is coming to light faster and faster. It may seem slow for those who have been aware of it all for a long time, but for most humans it is going to rock their worlds.  I am being guided that lightworkers must prepare ourselves NOW. 

Can you imagine the collective trauma that may be experienced as people find out in days what you have been processing over a number of years? 

Why choose the Light Warrior Bootcamp?

There are many Ascension teachers and containers and memberships popping up all over the place! Hooray for this! YOU, as a sovereign Light Being need to discern what will serve YOU because every teacher has a different frequency and essence, the right teacher for you just resonates. 

What is unique about the Light Warrior Bootcamp is that we work with you 1:1 as well as in group sessions and that you will actually be UNPLUGGED FROM THE FALSE MATRIX. 

Before we allow anyone into group spaces, Cornelia will do your 1:1 session so that we can sure there are no attachments or entities in your field. This is NOT anything to be ashamed about! I had a TON of sh*t holding me back, and this is simply what happens when you have a BIG mission to bring LIGHT. I had no idea about demons, entities, and implants  until about 2 years ago and cannot begin to explain how Cornelia’s assistance has been essential in my spiritual emancipation. 

Cornelia will unplug you from the False Matrix, clear your reincarnation contracts & blueprints, karma, patterns, bloodlines, DNA, limiting beliefs, attachments, implants and entities.

This will be done in 2 individual sessions, with support calls afterwards. It is intense work that she has trained lifetimes for. 

We are beginning this work IMMEDIATELY as I type this! Please contact me to ask questions if this is calling to you. 

Hopefully this page will answer most of your questions. 

I enfold you in the arms of our Divine Mother Father God 

Amanda Lamond


Light Warrior Bootcamp is for you if: 

  • You know humanity is in the middle of a collective mental, physical and emotional breakdown - as we, along with our planet, ascend to a new level of consciousness often referred to as the 3D to 5D shift
  • You know we're in a Spiritual War and that humanity has been enslaved for millennia
  • You know about the Darkness that is coming to Light in these times of Revelation and some of it is really hard to hold
  • You are working through ego dissolution and remembering you are not the trauma based identity you once thought you were 
  • You know mainstream news is bought and paid for and so you're following multiple alternative channels trying to figure out what's going on
  • You've been dealing with being in a different reality to many friends and family members, maybe even from everyone around you
  • You are experiencing an intensity of feelings like never before - major anxiety, bouts of exhaustion and yet also moments of intense inner peace
  • You may feel scattered AF (I have many messages explaining this) 
  • You feel a spiritual yearning to be "home", to end this sense of separation that you're realising is the illusion we experience in the Earth school
  • You have experienced "attacks" by friends and family because your new awareness is threatening to their beliefs
  • You've been non stop healing it feels like - for years!  
  • You know you have a contribution to make to Ascension and the New Earth 
  • You may have experienced multiple psychic attacks which can look anything from feeling constantly in doubt about your abilities, confusion, or actually being deplatformed, attacked, feeling worthless etc
  • You know it's GO TIME, because you can feel the acceleration of energy

Light Warrior Bootcamp Curriculum  

Individual sessions:

  1. Introductory session 60 mins: client history, needs assessment, where you’re at in your awakening (Amanda)
  2. Quantum Clearing/ Conscious Astral Travelling sessions x 2 - 60 mins each: Clearing reincarnation contracts & blueprints, karma, patterns, bloodlines, DNA, limiting beliefs, attachments, entities (Cornelia). You will be taken out of your limited existence as a small human, right up into your Multidimensional Self and all the stuff that’s been holding you back can now be removed. This must be integrated on the physical 3D level afterwards. 
  3. Voicenote support between your clearing sessions to ensure you’re navigating it all well
  4. Integration & Reconnection to Source 1:1 coaching sessions x 3 over the 6 months -  content will depend on what you specifically need help with and what has come up in your clearing (Amanda)

Group sessions

  • Prayer & Decree services weekly (Zoom)
  • 2 live training sessions per month 90 mins (zoom, recorded if you miss it)
  • 1 monthly group discussion/ coaching call. 
  • Weekly downloads shared to telegram of what’s coming through the Council of Light - on a multitude of ascension related topics
  • Every month will focus on a different aspect of ascension and give you practical exercises to integrate the work you are doing spiritually and help you process it emotionally- ie cutting cords with past relationships, cleanse rooms in your home by burning salt, making decrees to ask for protection and angelic assistance
  • You will feed back in the telegram group how you are doing, and can ask any questions and get support 
  • Audio recordings to help you navigate your awakening and bring you back to peace
  • We may record some of the trainings where it is easier to provide an activation - you will access to a course portal with all recordings 


You get immediate access to audio programs Held and Waterfall of Wisdom valued at $400 - which you can listen to any time

Things we are being instructed to cover with the Light Warriors over the 6 months - this work will carry on  in the membership if you choose to continue.  


  1. What does it mean to be a Light Warrior? Understanding Ascension & the spiritual battle taking place internally (ego vs Higher Self, 3D vs 5D) and externally (the light vs dark forces battling on the planet) 
  2. Unplugging your consciousness from the False Matrix: Clearing reincarnation contracts & blueprints, karma, patterns, bloodlines, DNA, limiting beliefs, attachments, entities. 
  3. Self love. The entire ascension process is a journey back to the Love that powers all creation, known to some as God. This is a very deep dive into how our Divinity can only be accessed through self love. 
  4. Beyond Enemy Lines: full understanding of what fear is from a spiritual perspective, how it is an illusion we’ve been programmed with. 
  5. Processing feelings physically during this time of intensity as ALL density, all trauma comes to the LIGHT to be healed which is very taxing from a human perspective. 
  6. Physical training - taking care of the physical vessel from an ascension perspective
  7. Dealing with trauma & shame → why forgiveness is the heart of all shadow work. Weaving in teachings from A Course in Miracles
  8. Dealing with self sabotage, and addiction, why it happens, how we manage it 
  9. Understanding suffering, our own and others. Critical for empaths, and critical if we are going to help humanity but not get sucked into the pain of what’s happening and what’s been happening for example, child trafficking. 
  10. Daily alignment and energy hygiene so you are a clear channel and are not being interfered with
  11. Clearing scarcity programs - karmically and on belief system level.  
  12. Integration and next steps

My name is Amanda Lamond. I’m a Legal Lightworker, Spiritual Channel and Ascension guide. 

The Council of Light explain me like this: 

"You have an ability to make spiritual subjects that are complex to people, more “down to earth” so that they can be absorbed and begin to excite people so that they want to learn more. Your energy and excitement about your own spiritual path are very infectious to others - they hear about it and they are propelled to search deeper themselves. You marry the mental, emotional and spiritual realms - integrate them - which is helpful for those for whom these things still appear very separate. As we have explained before, there are many people who are only just beginning to awaken and they need someone further along the path, but not “out of sight” not so far along the spiritual path that the day to day “normal human” life is almost unfathomable to them. You also have a comforting presence, you help people feel understood, and simply this is a gift. Once someone feels safe in who they are, they can better follow their intuitive knowing or take the next step on their evolutionary path. 

~ Council of Light

I was not always aware of the spiritual path. I grew up with a little religious instruction but it seemed performative rather than heartfelt. I questioned everything but no one could answer my spiritual questions meaningfully. I was a rebel and overachiever people-pleaser, a weird combination leading me to being a school prefect and top student, then getting 2 degrees, while also ending up an alcoholic and addict at the age of 24. Of course now I understand my path but it wasn’t easy. Thankfully, with love and support, I made it out of that hell and knew I’d been protected because I had some mission to fulfil. 

My spiritual awakening really took off a decade later, in 2012, when I became aware I was communicating with spiritual guides while on a trip to Bali.  It took 2 years for me to get the hang of actually hearing my guides clearly and start asking my guides 100's of questions, scribing our conversations. It also took a while to wrap my logical legally trained mind (and that of my psychiatrist's) around the fact I was talking to non-physical beings and was receiving lots of information about my path and the truth of who we are.

Fast forward a decade during which I developed my spiritual abilities, and once again I was called back to Bali in December 2022. This led to a heart opening of exquisite sweetness allowing me to know what the saints and sages were talking about and what it actually feels like when our sense of separation is ended.  Bliss! It kind of began in Bali, but really set in once I was home in Cape Town. For 3 weeks on and off I tasted the nectar of Divine Love, joy and gratitude flowing through my human body and jumped in and out of the 5th dimension.

Sadly, it ceased quite abruptly and I was thrust back into the turmoil of human suffering but far, far worse than I'd had it for years. I went through about 18 months of being feeling "stuck" in my trauma based 3D identity despite knowing another reality exists! 

To be blunt: I've been through such a ton of shit that has felt very lonely and very scary. My sanity has been saved by these things:

  • The experience of the LoveLight from which this entire Earth illusion, myself included, is created feels so far away at times but I've KNOWN it, so I can remind myself when I'm back in separation, that it is possible to LIVE IN THE LIGHT 
  • My guides, the Council of Light and their extraordinary love and wisdom explaining ad nauseum how this all works, night after night answering my pleas for assistance
  • the many awakening souls who write, record, video and share their spiritual journey

I was told to create the Ministry of Eternal Light in January 2023 during that awakening. Honestly it was just too hard to get any consistency while dealing with my own trauma. Further, I hadn't realised until working with Cornelia that I have had multiple lifetimes of ministry but always the Dark Forces have tried to stop me. The predominant way I have been prevented from fulfilling the vision for the Ministry in this lifetime has been financial. I've worked on money and abundance for YEARS and had breakthroughs but returned to scarcity. It's only now I have seen that my base chakra was plugged into a black box program siphoning my energy, that I understand I haven't just been "useless" at making money. 

In my last clearing I felt a SACRED RAGE rise up as I saw all the lifetimes I have been thwarted from the mission to help others awaken! No MORE. 

I AM here.

I AM a Minister of Light. 

I AM fulfilling the mission. 

I AM receiving multiple resources so I can be of service to humanity. 


Quantum Accelerator and Divine Blueprint Activator

In my previous 3D life I worked in corporate finance for 15 years knowing the world was not ready for my spiritual gifts which I pretty much discovered at the age of 4. I was born with a purpose and understood the mission of my life from the start. The Supernatural became natural and my normal way of living and being. Walking the spiritual path was hard as I never belonged in the world that forced us living in a simulation reality. Everyday I had to be stripped away from the person the world wanted me to be to become the multi dimensional sovereign human being I was meant to be. It was hard but it is worth the journey. 

I now help clients activate their spiritual gifts and show you the reality of your divine mission and purpose. I clear reincarnation contracts and records in order to unplug you from the Matrix without and within (the Matrix has been implanted in our consciousness so we create it outside of us). If there are entities, attachments and implants in your energy field, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, I will remove these. I bring you back to your sovereign self as a Divine being so that you become a conscious creator of your own reality instead of repeating and reliving karmic relationships, trauma and situations. 


“You are awakening to the fact you are energy, and not solid, and energy is ever changing, it is not static. So as you enter into a different understanding of YOU, and what it means to EXIST OR BE, you are grasping at parts of your energy! So let's try to simplify this. Every experience you have had is an energetic imprint. Every memory is an energy. Every emotion is an energy. You can see them all if you choose to, like little orbs, like a little packet of information. Now you are sensing all these energies and of course they are all over the place! You have thought you were this physical being housed in a body - you thought the SKIN contained YOU! But of course it doesn’t. Your consciousness is creating the experience of your body in a particular time and space. So let’s stay with the topic - this is weighty, dear one. You are becoming aware of all the ENORMITY of who you are. All these pockets of energy throughout time and space - all the different lifetimes, the different dimensions, parallel realities. So of course you feel FRAGMENTED! You’re waking up to the fact “you’re not there” - this kind of “tidy” linear collection of experiences you thought made up "you" from when you were born until now.

Now you experience that YOU is far more vast and existing in different “places” and “times” - remember that time and place only exist on the 3rd dimensional plane. You are rapidly expanding and re-membering yourself and finding you are all over the place! Yes, that is a joke, dear one, you feel all over the place, (Laughter) because you are!” ~ Council of Light, channelled 2023

In the Light Warrior Bootcamp we discuss all this and much, much more...

Join the Light Warrior Bootcamp

Because we have been shown this is urgent - we will start immediately to unplug Light Warriors from the False Matrix and serve you, rather than trying to gather a cohort by a particular date. This means each Light Warrior will start their 3 months based on their start date. Somehow I am trusting it will all work out as we start to see who comes forward and what group size we're looking at. 

There will be an online course portal for you to access all the video trainings. 

The majority of materials will be put on telegram so that you only have to access one place for videos, daily or almost daily audios, your checkins, asking questions etc. 

We will give you access to 2 programs I have already created called Held and Waterfall of Wisdom so you can start immediately. 





$444 pm

Month 1 $1111 Month 2 TO 6 $444

  • Initial client assessment 1:1
  • 2 x individual Quantum clearings to unplug from False Matrix, remove attachments and entities & karmic programs
  • Support calls/ voicenotes 
  • Weekly Group live calls on zoom
  • 6 months of teachings, trainings, activations and channelled messages to help emancipate you physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually
  • Telegram community to share your spiritual experiences & ask questions
  • access to the Held Audio Program ($222) and Waterfall of Wisdom ($222)
  • A meditation library that is added to periodically



SAVE $333

  • Initial client assessment 1:1
  • 2 x individual Quantum clearings to unplug from False Matrix, remove attachments and entities & karmic programs
  • Support calls/ voicenotes 
  • Weekly Group live calls on zoom
  • 6 months of teachings, trainings, activations and channelled messages to help emancipate you physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually
  • Telegram community to share your spiritual experiences & ask questions
  • access to the Held Audio Program ($222) and Waterfall of Wisdom ($222)
  • A meditation library that is added to periodically

Are you in a weak currency country like South Africa, the Philippines or India?

Click this form and let's see if you qualify for the discount on Light Warrior Bootcamp. This is an honesty system because I figure if you're on this page, you live in integrity. 

The Divine Laws: Law of Balance  & Law of Give and Receive 

The clearings I did with Cornelia during September and October 2024 have shown me how many lifetimes, as a Minister and a Priestess I have been stopped by the Dark Forces from bringing in the Light of God. In this lifetime, despite having been born into a wealthy family, I have faced curses, implants and ancestral trauma around money meaning I have only been able to receive sporadically. The more I've chosen to focus on spiritual work, my calling, the more sporadic my income became. This, on top of dealing with the trauma I faced after my awakening, the so called Dark Night of the Soul, has made it really difficult to figure out how to fund the Ministry of Eternal Light. 

Constantly wondering how to pay bills has meant for years my central nervous system has been dysregulated, I have not felt free to write and publish the millions of messages from the Council of Light and I’ve felt like the scarcity program has dominated my daily existence far more years than I care to admit. I have done 1000’s of hours of money work to clear this, but only once realising that I’ve actually been under psychic attack and that I’m not just “lazy” or need to “do more mindset work” am I able to start letting go of the shame of living with such high levels of stress for so long. Ah I have a LOT to share about the program of shame inserted in humanity!

In my recent clearing in which I was shown all these lifetimes of ministry and being killed - I heard my soul scream “ENOUGH! I HAVE BEEN KILLED AND SILENCED IN ENOUGH LIFETIMES BUT I AM NOT THIS BODY! I WILL REINCARNATE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND I WILL FULFILL THE DIVINE PLAN FOR EARTH’S FREEDOM”. I have always had enough! I have been supported by my family and many others but it's become clear that clearing my own scarcity programs is a key part of my own ascension path. 

There is significant societal programming that spiritual service should be free, resulting in 1000’s of extraordinarily gifted lightworkers holding codes for humanity who are broke and in fear and not able to serve. (see the work of Edward Mannix) This is DELIBERATE. Scarcity is a program inserted into us. We no longer choose to run this program. 

The vast majority of humanity have been enslaved through the financial system  - it’s all deliberate. The fiat system will all crash soon but for now, here we are. 

Brianna Becraft

When I started working with Amanda, I thought “I hope Amanda has answers because I am lost” and along the way I realized, I have the answers, Amanda has language and a space that helps me process it, but what I want, what I’m looking for is only going to come from me participating and doing the work. I was also surprised at the way my body felt during and after our sessions. That’s something I really paid attention to - especially since I attended many from work. I physically felt lighter, and stronger, and more blessed  - and able to do what I needed to do for the day after our meetings.



  • This divine revelation coming through you has flung my heart wide open. I pray that others will understand the gift that this course brings them. 
  • Just through listening to your voice I realised how I felt touched by love. As you are a channel for their messages, you are a channel for light and love.
  • I feel enormous support and comfort
  • I feel lighter, brighter and more hopeful
  • It clarified and crystallized everything I’ve been thinking and feeling
  • I felt on a high after listening to your audio that I didn’t know was possible
  • I realise in our coaching sessions that sometimes you are speaking from a different self when you close your eyes and channel the messages which are so accurate and perfectly translate what I need to hear
  • The reading has been so healing on a deep tissue level
  • This meditation with you is the closest to God I’ve ever felt
  • I love your voice and can understand why the Council of Light is encouraging you to use it more.  Its vibration is so healing in and of itself.” 
  • I am relieved to remember and remember....and to know that I am not alone in this journey
  • Oh my God! I cried through most of the first audio! It really put into words what I have been experiencing and helps me understand myself. Even though my ego self is telling me I’m mad! Thank you, it was so valuable, so clear, so concise.
  • I loved the immediacy of your message. Thank you! That it was clear and uncomplicated. That it felt directly connected to the Ascended Masters… God. 
  • Your words were so helpful and soothing to my soul.
A bit of background to the

Light Warrior Bootcamp 

Ascension is not easy 

 It requires us to shed lifetimes of karma, and ancestral patterns, and societal programming and you WILL WITHOUT A DOUBT question your sanity! How could you not while experiencing a reality shift?  

Many people are having spiritual experiences they cannot process - and the medical and psychiatric professions are little help as they are part of the programs running society. More and more people will experience time lapses, scattered memories, your body dissolving into light particles, meeting light beings and your guides, downloading information, recalling past lives and it can be scary if you have no framework for what you’re experiencing.  

My spiritual experiences have been "crazy" but I have been fortunate to have the Council of Light explaining everything. These days I cannot wait to spend time in the higher dimensions. 

I was hesitant to teach the curriculum I've been given by the Council of Light because I knew it meant establishing myself firmly as part of the "lunatic fringe" as perceived by the majority still in the 3D illusion!  It is an interesting internal battle witnessing my ego's need for safety, an being liked, vs my soul's desire to fulfil my earth mission and serve others. 

Beloved soul, I know it’s been tough. But it's happening. We WILL make the shift. We WILL learn how to let go of the density and experience more BLISS. Oh my God it’s beautiful to see through the trauma and experience our Divinity! Even if it’s just for moments at a time. We have been gifted a great opportunity to be AWAKE at this time and learn about our I Am Presence and I want to see you SHINE.   

If you have no funds to do the Light Worker Bootcamp please head to my free audio course, Navigating the Insanity of Ascension, follow the Ministry on social media and stay tuned for news - I believe the Ministry may receive funding and change its operating model. 

Here's some of the ascension issues we will support you with in The Light Warrior Bootcamp


How to navigate the dissolution of your ego self


How to remember our Divinity & Multidimensionality


Essential Ascension Tools: gratitude, witnessing ourselves, self love, presence, faith


Being a conspiracy realist 🤣 awake to spiritual warfare


Dealing with friends and family dropping out of your life - AND finding your soul tribe.


How to manage being scattered AF, discombobulated, anxious & exhausted, sometimes simultaneously.  

Final check to ensure the Ministry of Eternal Light is a good fit for you    

We are living in VERY strange times. There is a lot of inversion - where things we thought were there to bring justice, create injustice  and things that appear to be inclusive are in fact divisive. Multiple psy-ops are being run on humanity to divide us. 

The Light Warrior Bootcamp is a safe space and Cornelia and I will do our utmost to protect it from any negative interference. I highly recommend the Cosmic Matrix Podcast with Laura Matsue and her husband Bernhard Guenther for an intellectual exploration of all these issues. 

For most of the last 2 years I was afraid of publicly sharing my channelled messages and realisations about the false Matrix. In particular, since I started to understand the enslavement of our planet through my guides and multiple other sources, I knew many would not be ready for these concepts.

I feared being too much.
I feared being called a conspiracy theorist.
I feared ridicule.
I feared being thought too “woo woo”.
I feared losing clients.

And I let those fears rule for a while.

And I dealt with the pain of letting go some relationships that no longer felt aligned. The hardest are those people who consider themselves very liberal, but are unaware of the agendas dividing people that have been carefully constructed to appear "progressive". 

I have played small, and avoided talking about the things I thought would trigger people and limited what I shared on social media, in my newsletters and in my programs, to the “light and love” stuff that doesn’t challenge people’s beliefs the way true awakening does.

But all the "fear of what people think" I am told to let go of by my guides. We each come here to sing a particular song, and we cannot hope to find it by worrying what everyone thinks we should be singing.  

We know that cancellation and censorship is RIFE.  Many of those who go against “consensus reality” are ridiculed. If you didn't know - the CIA developed the term “conspiracy theorist” in the 70’s as a form of gaslighting anyone who questioned government policy - and they did a good and thorough job of inculcating the term!  

I’m not here to change anyone’s minds or even argue for what I believe to be true, because I am aware that a) there is a “consensus reality” but in truth we inhabit different realities and b) that timelines are splitting and we literally now inhabit different worlds to others, while occupying the same physical space.

I will share the messages of the Council and my own opinions on things and trust that we can create enough safety in the Bootcamp that people can respect others who may have different views. 

It's vital to our evolution to know that always acting in a way to ensure you don’t upset or anger others is rooted in the trauma based identity which wants others’ approval.

  • True awakening is not yoga and meditation and wearing mala beads, although you might do these things along the way.
  • True awakening is not  limiting ourselves to received knowledge which cannot hold a candle to the infinite power of intuition and higher consciousness. As one’s intuition turns on, you can’t be lied to anymore. As we move into the 5th dimension it will not be possible for politicians or leaders to lie to people anymore, truth will be felt. It will be radically different.
  • True awakening will turn you inside out and upside down and definitely cause you to question your sanity again and again and again.
  • True awakening is seeing through your personality, to the Divine Multidimensional being you actually are.
  • True awakening means becoming aware we’re all experiencing a different reality and stopping trying to convince others yours is the “right” way to see the world.
  • True awakening is a holistic experience of reconnecting to Source, (vertical awakening) which turns on your intuition which then allows you to start seeing we’ve been stuck in a false matrix perpetuated by all our systems (horizontal awakening).
  • True awakening requires realising your beliefs are just opinions on reality and being ready to question ALL of them.
  • True awakening means you stop looking outside of you, and realise whatever you’re experiencing outside of you, has its origins inside you.

It’s not for the faint of heart.
But you came here for this time.
You’re reading this for a reason.

The Light Warrior Bootcamp is a community in which we recognise the eternal light of our I Am Presence. 


I explain a little more about my awakening journey and being called to serve other Light Warriors  

Yes I am joining the Bootcamp!

You came here to serve Earth's Ascension.

The time has come to step up.

"You are HELD" 

A channelled message from the Council of Light

This beautiful message I channelled in March 2023 at a time I was struggling. I hope it might bring you comfort as it has done me on numerous occasions when I walk and listen to it again. 

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